WHOEVER you are, WHEREVER you are from, you are WELCOME here.

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Bridging the Divide

The power of testimony is demonstrating who Jesus has been to and for you. Experience is the key in sharing hope. If we are to serve as a bridge from THEM TO HIM, then we have to understand that our life serves as the greatest waypoint and invitation to give Jesus a chance. This means that we have to know him in order to be a living testimony for him.

I'm New

We know that attending church for the first time can be overwhelming and intimidating, so we are here to put your mind at ease. We would love to meet you!

Who We Are

The mission of Greenbrier Community Church is to be a place where LOVE is experienced, VALUE is restored, TRUTH is revealed and PEOPLE are activated. 

Discover Jesus

What does that mean? How can we have a relationship with Jesus? There are a few spiritual truths based on the life of Jesus that we need to understand. 


Connect and Grow

Life Groups are where people connect and take a next step. In a Life Group people do life together, share a meal, pray, study the Bible and interact with the truth of God’s Word, and encourage one another to live out the mission and vision of Greenbrier Community Church.

Join a Life Group and see why we believe that no one should do the journey alone! 

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Gathering Times

Worship Service - Sundays 10:30am
Bible Study - Wednesdays 6:30pm